Phil Simonides, CFP®

Phil Simonides

Your Seasoned Guide to Building Enduring Financial Strength

Empowering individuals and businesses to achieve long-term financial security is Phil’s passion. With over 35 years of experience, he’s a trusted advisor known for his strategic thinking and unwavering commitment to client success.

Phil specializes in crafting personalized financial plans tailored to your unique goals and risk tolerance. Phil works closely with you to:

  • Craft your financial master plan. Leveraging his expertise in retirement planning, wealth preservation and growth, tax efficiency, and estate planning, Phil designs a roadmap tailored to your goals and securing your future. He can also help you tackle volatile markets with Safe Money Strategies, offering solutions that guarantee your principal remains protected.
  • Simplify the complicated. Phil thrives on helping clients navigate even the most complex financial situations. Whether it’s managing market volatility or optimizing your tax strategy, he’ll guide you through every step to ensure you keep more of your hard-earned savings.
  • Encouraging sound decision-making. Clear communication is paramount for Phil. He ensures you understand the financial landscape and feel confident about your choices. His most important deliverable is your peace of mind.

Beyond his list of credentials – such as being a Certified Financial Planner, holding eight securities licenses including the fiduciary (Series 65) license, and Life & Health Insurance licenses – Phil is also:

  • A recognized industry leader. His insights have been featured in Kiplinger’s, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Radio, CNBC, Investment News, and more.
  • A philanthropist at heart. Phil actively gives back to the community, donating time and raising millions in support of many local and national charities.
  • An avid athlete. When not helping clients achieve their financial goals, Phil enjoys tennis, golf, and more recently, pickleball.

Ready to build a strong financial foundation for your future? Request a conversation with Phil today at 888-227-7162.

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